Simply Humic


Your health starts with healthy soil biology

Dusty Lane Enterprises, located in the Heartland – East Central Alberta, is an agricultural focused solution provider, owned and operated by Kerry and Carmen Pickles, along with support from their family and numerous industry colleagues. This multi-generational farm family has entrepreneurial blood, having created equipment and processes to make the challenges of farming bring home better returns with a focus on buy local.

Ironically, this part of the province has some very challenging soil conditions in the brown soil zone, with hardpan clay, extreme pH, excessive compaction, low organic matter, low carbon, pockets of high salinity, and the constancy of low rainfall and minimal water retention. But the sun shines a lot!

SIMPLY HUMIC is locally sourced. This part of Alberta is noted for humic and often such discoveries are made on coal mining properties, with humic being a poor grade of Leonardite coal. Alberta humic is world-class as its origination is freshwater-based, whereas much of the humic found throughout the world is saltwater-based, making it less-desirable.

Spreading it liberally in a controlled field Kerry was able to monitor root growth  throughout the season, and using the computerized mapping on their combines, record the respective yields. Even though it was a drought season, and only the first year of applied humic, they liked what they saw enough to commit to develop SIMPLY HUMIC to share their product and knowledge.

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