Benefits/Application Of SIMPLY HUMIC
Your health starts with healthy soil biology

Why do most homeowners have poor soil and growing conditions?
Most urban areas have had the natural balance of soil health disturbed during site construction. Heavy equipment removed the topsoil, reshaped the clay subsoil, compacted the area, and had a light layer of topsoil replaced, (or none at all), and sod put down when landscaping was done.

- Stripping of top soil before construction

- Construction and compaction

- Laying sod with minimal to no valuable top soil
As a result, many yards suffer from:
- Removal of valuable topsoil
- Compaction
- Excessive clays
- Poor aeration and water retention
- Consistent runoff (with contained fertilizers)
- Excessive salinity
- pH imbalance
- Harmfully low microbial activity
- Little to no root penetration
- Homeowners have typically applied a quick bandaid solution through the repetitive use of synthetic fertilizers. Many over-apply, combined with over-watering resulting in wasting water, and fertilizer leaching away into stormwater drainage, ending up in watersheds.

How to begin the Rejuvenation process?
And although they say “you can get too much of a good thing”, to the best of our knowledge, there are no realistic upper limits to how much humic you can add. The way that humic works is in helping the soil address its own deficiencies through the promotion of biological development (micro organisms) and nutritional extraction. Due to humic’s innate abilities, the soil once again becomes alive, and once this happens the healing has begun. The soil becomes more porous, allowing air to penetrate (which the micro organisms and worms need), and water to seep in, sink deeper, and stay available longer. With air, water and micro organisms (biological recovery), the chain reaction to extracting critical minerals and nutrients also begins.
- Please allow time for Humic to take effect as it is a biological process, as opposed to a simple chemical injection such as with some fertilizers, which react in a fairly short period, albeit temporarily. It can take time to rejuvenate your soil wholly, but once your soil becomes alive and healthy it begins to thrive on its own.
- Most often in rural settings, well water is the only practical source of water. Well water can vary from spring-like, to virtually non-potable. Water quality has a direct impact on our health, as well as the health of our lawns, trees and crops. Depending on the content of your well water, Humic may aid in addressing deficiencies such as certain metals, carbonates, excess minerals, pH imbalances, high salinity, making some well water less noxious for use with your greenery.
SIMPLY HUMIC (humic acid and fulvic acid) is a powerful natural soil amendment that provides numerous benefits for gardeners seeking organically healthier plants, improved soil structure, and increased crop yields. Derived from decomposed organic matter, humic acid enhances soil fertility, promotes microbial activity, helps minimize pH extremes, and boosts plant resilience. It aids in allowing plants to uptake essential nutrients more easily.
Humic, sometimes referred to as “Humate”, or “Humalite”, is essentially a poor grade of Leonardite coal.
One of the primary benefits of humic acid, with its companion fulvic acid, is its ability to improve soil structure. It enhances soil aeration and water retention, preventing compaction in clay soils while increasing moisture-holding capacity in sandy soils. This leads to better root growth and overall plant development.
- Humic acid/fulvic acid also play a crucial role in nutrient absorption. They act as a natural chelator, binding essential minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, making them more available to plants. This process enhances root uptake, reducing the need for chemical fertilizers while maximizing nutrient efficiency. Additionally, humic acid/fulvic acid stimulate beneficial microbial activity, fostering a healthy soil ecosystem that supports plant growth.

Another significant advantage is its ability to boost plant resilience. By improving root development, humic acid/fulvic acid help plants withstand environmental stressors such as drought, extreme temperatures, and soil-borne diseases. They also enhance seed germination rates and accelerate early plant growth, ensuring a strong start for seedlings. The soil becomes alive and healthy and begins to thrive on its own – the way nature intended. Once this is achieved, you can reduce your annual application rates of SIMPLY HUMIC.
- Gardeners using humic acid/fulvic acid can also expect increased yields and improved crop size, quality and flavor. Fruits and vegetables grown in humic-rich soil often exhibit better flavor, color, and nutrient density. Moreover, its organic nature makes it an eco-friendly alternative to synthetic fertilizers, promoting sustainable gardening practices.
In summary, SIMPLY HUMIC is a valuable tool for gardeners looking to enhance soil health, optimize plant growth, and increase garden productivity. Its natural ability to improve nutrient absorption, soil structure, and plant resilience makes it a must-have addition to any gardening routine.
Application – Suggested rates are as follows:
Top spread at 10 kg / 100 sq m – 3 times per growing season (1,076 sq ft)
Top spread and incorporate before planting at 10 kg / 40 sq m (430 sq ft)
Potted Plants
lightly top-spread by hand or table spoon semi-annually until plant thrives
1 cup per 1” trunk diameter worked well into bottom of hole when planting, 1 cup per 1” trunk diameter 2-3 times yearly around base, distributed as wide as the branches
1 cup per 1” trunk diameter worked well into bottom of hole when planting, 1 cup per 1” trunk diameter 2-3 times yearly around base, distributed as wide as the branches
As mentioned previously, unless you have a laboratory analysis conducted on all your soil(s), it can be hard to recommend the most accurate dispersion rate. However, studies (ours and actual lab-grade studies) have indicated that on average the following rates are suggested:
Lawns – Top spread at 10 kg / 100 sq m – 3 times per growing season (1,076 sq ft)
Gardens – Top spread and incorporate before planting at 10 kg / 40 sq m (430 sq ft)
Potted Plants – lightly top-spread by hand or table spoon semi-annually until plant thrives
Ornamental, Fruit Trees/Shrubs – 1 cup per 1” trunk diameter worked well into bottom of
hole when planting, 1 cup per 1” trunk diameter 2-3 times yearly around base, distributed
as wide as the branches
Please note that as soil qualities vary, the above are guidelines only. Applications of Humic may be accompanied with your favorite fertilizer if desired. Please allow sufficient time for Humic to take effect at which time the continuation of fertilizers may be deemed unnecessary.
If you have an interest in understanding the effects that Humic is having on your lawn or in your gardens, it is suggested you dig down 6 – 8 inches, and examine your soil before applying Humic, then do the same after 6 months to 1 full year, to see how the soil is responding and making a healthier haven for root development. The changes should be noticeable if you had poor soil to begin with.
SIMPLY HUMIC is a natural, aggregate-grade product, which may vary in color from light brown to black. Color is not indicative of nutritional value and varies naturally. The aggregate-grade contains fines as well as nuggets of humic. Such nuggets do not need to be broken down as this will occur naturally and provides a sustained benefit as it breaks down over time.
Humic may be top spread (a standard broadcast spreader will work fine) or can be worked into the soil (not necessary as it will naturally permeate the soil). For new trees apply as per the above rates. Any nuggets left in your broadcast spreader can simply be tossed onto the treated area for natural breakdown.
- Unlike fertilizers, SIMPLY HUMIC cannot realistically be overapplied, although there is a limit to its efficiency, so overuse is not recommended.
SIMPLY HUMIC is safe to be blended and used in conjunction with your favorite fertilizer, if desired. Some users have found they could eventually strongly minimize, or eliminate, the use of fertilizers altogether. Being able to remove fertilizers from run-off into streams and other water bodies makes for a much healthier ecosystem.
If you are dealing with low to medium quality soil or have a combination of these common soil issues, multiple applications per season is typically recommended.
Please note that being non-toxic and wholly organic, SIMPLY HUMIC is safe to use. See Safety page for more information.
- As some Humic is sold as food grade and can be consumed, please note that SIMPLY HUMIC IS NOT FOOD GRADE, and should not be ingested.