Your health starts with healthy soil biology

We’ve included links below to a few studies on Humic Acid/Fulvic Acid, or you can simply search the internet, the library, or your own local agricultural research centre. Such technical information is abundant. While element makeup of any Humic Acid will vary from seam to seam, and even within one seam, virtually all Humic Acid will contain Fulvic Acid as well as trace or considerable quantities of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Copper, Boron, Salts, Aluminum and other essential soil elements.
- Different soils will react differently, but almost always show some noticeable improvement. It seems the rule of thumb is that “the poorer your soil is, the more positive the results when used correctly and liberally”.
Help Mother Nature to heal herself.
Start now with SIMPLY HUMIC
- A study on the effects of humic acid on plant growth was conducted at Ohio State University which said in part "humic acids increased plant growth" and that there were "relatively large responses at low application rates". See Reference
- A 1998 study by scientists at the North Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences showed that the addition of humate to soil “significantly increased root mass in creeping bentgrass turf” humic acid on plant growth was conducted at Ohio State University which said in part "humic acids increased plant growth" and that there were "relatively large responses at low application rates".See Reference
- A 2018 study by scientists at the University of Alberta showed that humic acids can reduce prion infectivity in laboratory experiments, but that this effect may be uncertain in the environment due to minerals in the soil that buffer the effect. See Reference
- Numerous further studies are available online.
- How something as simple as an imbalance of bicarbonates in your feedwater can be devastating, and of the several suggested remedies, humic addresses virtually all the issues, organically. See Reference